mood board : an intentional gift guide
i protested the name of this blog being a “gift guide” because i refuse to add to the noise, discontentment, and comparison that this season undoubtedly adds to our lives, but the definition of a “gift guide” is essentially what this is - so just know, this is not meant to be an urge or push to buy anything.
i wanted to accumulate some things i have on my own wishlist(in life, but around the holidays as well), of intentional and meaningful additions to my home and life. these are NOT things i NEED to live, but are things i would love to receive as a gift :)
so here’s my little “gift guide” of sorts — i hope you find inspiration, and that this is helpful if you’re wanting some intentional things this year :)
some links are affiliate links - they add no cost to your purchase, in fact, some are a little discounted beacuse of my personal link — but by purchasing through my links, you are very meaninfully supporting my family & allowing me to be home with my daughter, while being able to contribute as little as i can financially as well. so from the bottom of my heart, thank you.