3 already?!

i was looking back on the last two year blog posts i’ve done on Rehns birthday, and these things can be so

freaking emotional! listen to the old ladies(and young ones)who tell you that time goes by too fast… because it

really really does.

we celebrated early this year because we went to Georgia during her actual birthday, which was fun & happy!

her birthday is in spring, which makes for very wet and gloomy celebrations! honestly, i don’t think there’s been

one year yet where it wasn’t raining on her party! that’s okay :) we have celebrated all three in our little home

and it’s just super special.

we didn’t really have a theme this year. i don’t do themes really at all, but i guess it mirrored her second mostly?

florals, balloons and fruit were what we went for and it was super simple, but turned out really cute!


one of the cute little touches i randomly decided on was to get party hats for all her little friends(toys) and

it was a hit. she thought it was the sweetest thing to see Walle, Eve and Pascal celebrating her too!


links ㋛


how to love her through miscarriage


this is two!